Ready to Change Your Life? We start in...


Ready to Change Your Life? We start in...


The 3-Day Manifestation Challenge

Ready to Awaken Your Inner Creator and Manifest More Happiness, Peace, and Abundance?

Join the FREE Manifestation Challenge to elevate your manifestation abilities, propelling you towards greater alignment and fulfillment in manifesting your heart's desires.

WHEN: January 16-18, 2024
10am PT / 1pm ET

Yes Sign Me Up!!

The 3-Day Manifestation Challenge

Ready to Awaken Your Inner Creator and Manifest More Happiness, Peace, and Abundance?

Join the FREE Manifestation Challenge to elevate your manifestation abilities, propelling you towards greater alignment and fulfillment in manifesting your heart's desires.

WHENJanuary 16-18, 2024
10am PT / 1pm ET

Are you stressed and challenged by the way the world feels?

Struggling for peace and alignment?

Feeling exhausted one minute, elated the next—finding it difficult to hold your focus?

Ever wish that things would magically flow more easily to you?

Then this FREE 3-day challenge is for You!

In This 3-Day Challenge, You’ll Experience:

  • Powerful practices to attune to higher energies so you can unlock your fullest manifestation potential
  • Understanding how our past lives impact our ability to manifest and stay in our highest vibration
  • Transformative live energy clearings to dissolve blocks and eliminate outdated patterns so you stay in a peaceful and calm state
  • Guided visualizations to create rapid shifts, amplify manifestation abilities, and foster deep self-love and acceptance

Here’s the flow of the classes

This series is an online event happening in a Private Facebook Group from 

Tuesday January 16 through Thursday January 18, 2024

Each day you’ll meet with me for a live session and a healing activation. Activations are like short meditations (only more powerful). They lift your energy to the next level for greater healing and alignment, which increases your ability to manifest your dreams.

Day One:  Connection

Together we’ll connect with universal energy—and tap into this connection to manifest more of your desires. You'll receive an activation to find and open the heart chakra to find your inherent wisdom.

Day Two: Discover

Discover how to dissolve blocks, move from reaction to right action, and open to a greater state of flow. You'll also receive an activation to dissolve a part of you that’s conflicted and move into deeper healing, harmony, and a peaceful state of mind.

Day Three: Access

Learn how to access a state of higher consciousness, allowing you to master the art of manifesting your dreams. Receive a powerful activation to ignite your sense of empowerment and unshakeable confidence.

Donna W.

“When Julia sends an activation or a wave of energy, I suddenly feel lighter and more peaceful. Everything in my life gets better; everything smooths out–including my children, my sleep, and the course of my life. Everything moves in a better direction. Her energy is amazing!”

Miriam C.

“Julia’s waves of light have been a huge source of grounding and comfort for me over the last 5+ years that we’ve been working together. Her sensitivity to my energy, combined with her compassionate, direct, and thoughtful nature, is exactly what I need during those times when I feel I need a little extra help. I’m immensely grateful for her presence in my life.”

Reserve Your Space on this Experience

If you’re ready to shift into a positive state of consciousness, connect on a deeper level, and learn to manifest more in your life, this class is the right choice for you!

Meet Your Guide:

I’m Julia Griffin, an Intuitive Healer and Coach. I’ve helped thousands of clients around the world to successfully heal and transform their lives through my programs and offerings. I’ve helped people find the love of their life, heal from illnesses, succeed in their careers, and create a happier, better life.

It all began when I met real wolves and realized I had a special gift for communicating with animals. The beautiful souls of these wolves helped me return to ancient wisdom. Later, they taught me the secrets of manifestation.

Everyone has heart-felt dreams, and there’s a special way of creating them in “reality.” The method I learned from the wolves truly works. I’ve taught many people how to do it, and you can, too.

Through the insights of the wolves and my many years of teaching these techniques to others, you can manifest a more joyous and peaceful reality. As your dreams come true, you can envision a better world not only for yourself—but for others as well.

Kelly Malone

“Her activations work, and they work fast. You feel lighter and happier immediately. It’s an instantaneous change and shift!”