August’s New Moon

by | Aug 4, 2024 | Astrology, Awareness, Manifestation, Manifesting, True Self | 0 comments


Image by Griffin Lambert

The New Moon appeared on Sunday, August 4 at 7:14 am. It brings a pleasant time for reflection and relaxation as Mercury moves into retrograde on the same day. The chart is not difficult although it carries the message of change—in the outer world and through the opportunity of inner change and self-realization.

In Greek mythology, the Moon Spinners were three goddesses who gathered the light of the moon on spindles. When they had gathered all lunar light, the night became completely dark, and there was no moon (New Moon), making it safe for creatures to travel without being seen.

Despite the dark appearance of the Moon, the forecast is relatively bright with Sun (life), Moon (emotion), and Venus (relationships, love) in Leo, the sign of solar fire and the heart. The Lion is a symbol of Leo, indicating the potential for strength, will, and power, which is meaningful when in alignment with the heart.

Sun (life) sextile Mars (assertion, male energy) gives extra energy to complete old tasks and the initiative to begin new ones. (Completing tasks begun in the past is easier when Mercury is retrograde.)   Sun sextile Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) brings a time of happiness and optimism when it’s easier to pull “good” events and occurrences into our lives.

Moon (emotion) sextile Mars (assertion, male energy) gives independence and physical strength.    Moon sextile Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) heightens emotional depth, intellect, and empathy. It increases optimism and harmony in life.

Mercury (communications, electronics, mind) is retrograde in Virgo, an air sign, which increases the ability of discriminating thought and organization skills. In general, Mercury retrograde is a time to rest and reflect, but it’s also a time to complete old projects and review our thoughts and actions. Mercury conjunct Venus (relationships, art, love) encourages creativity, interest in art, and positive relationships. It enhances social events. Mercury square Mars (action, assertion) increases impulsiveness and rushed thoughts. So think twice before acting. Mercury square Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) brings excitement and change to daily routine, which can cause upset and nervousness.

Venus (love, relationships) in Leo is warm, slightly self-centered, and dramatic. Venus square Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) increases the desire to rewrite life, move out of routines, and make changes in life. It aids with creativity, unusual ideas, and altering the direction of life, but the aspect can cause instability and poor judgement.

Mars (action, assertion) in Gemini, an air sign depicted by the Twins, tends to confuse action and thought.  Nervous tension, rapid thoughts, and restlessness are associated with the placement. Mars conjunct Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) aids with energy, initiative, and courage; it gives physical strength and endurance. It benefits health and increases our energy level. Mars square Saturn (limitation, karma) slows movement in life, particularly with goals and desires. It’s possible to make progress but only through devotion and patience. Mars trine Pluto (underworld, transformation) balances the Saturn aspect discussed earlier. It gives goal-directed energy as well as the power to bring it into form. It encourages assertion and action.

Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) in Gemini may affect electronics, the increase in AI, and all types of short/quick communication. Gemini tends to move in many directions at one time. Although it is an intensely creative sign, it ‘s important to prioritize, make lists, and move through life with direction with inner guidance. Jupiter square Saturn (limitation, karma) activates our desire to move into a “future” self, which is led by inner guidance and to release false impressions of the self from the past.

Saturn (limitation, karma) in Pisces, a water sign, invites examination of emotional tendencies, beliefs from the Piscean Age, and release of habits that are no longer beneficial.

Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) is in Taurus, an earth sign. At this point, we are all contemplating earth changes, the use of chemicals and additives in daily life, and how to create a better future, which is more alignment with the earth herself. Uranus sextile Neptune (illusion, mysticism) gives creativity, heightens psychic sensitivity; it also gives a strong desire for independence and living life in a different way.  Uranus trine Pluto (subconscious, transformation) aids with transcending the past and transforming the self through a broader perspective of life.

Neptune (illusion, mysticism) sextile Pluto (subconscious, transformation) encourages studies involving the mystical world, creativity, art, and the imagination. Pluto in Aquarius seems to align with the many disruptions in electricity and internet in the past few months. Aquarius rules electricity. communication, and group connections.

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.



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