Known as the Thunder Moon, the Full Moon appears on July 21, 2024, at 6:17 am. It’s called the Thunder Moon because large storms, which bring thunder and lightning, often occur in mid-summer. It’s also the Vedic Moon of Guru Purnima, a time when we can benefit greatly from our teachers and spiritual practices.

Astrologically, it’s a mixed moon forecast with aspects that intensify the current chaos in the outer world; yet many aspects nurture the inner self and the development of spiritual gifts. As always, we choose the placement of our consciousness, and this determines our experience of the flow of life—or the lack of it. (For those who are awakening, it deepens meditation and offers insights into the inner self.)

Sun is placed in Cancer, the sign of the mother, feminine energy associated with the home, and emotion. Moon is placed in Capricorn, an earth sign ruling ambition and social gain. Water and earth together are creative, and they enhance fertility, growth, and manifestation.

Sun sextile Mars (assertive, male energy) boosts strength, self-confidence, and courage. It aids with physical endeavors, making it a good time to begin a plan of exercise. Sun sextile Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) stimulates creativity and self-awareness. It can heighten self-awareness and provide insights. Sun trine Neptune (illusion, mysticism) creates a connection to the mystical world—the call of the planets, the beauty of nature, and the ability to express the self through artistic pursuits. It calls us to the sublime beauty of the inner and outer world. (See it as a window into a beautiful world.) Sun opposition Pluto (subconscious, transformation) calls for examination of subconscious blocks, and Pluto stirs up issues hidden in subconscious to create change and transformation.

Moon trine Mars (assertion, male energy) gives initiative and courage to break through boundaries with both work and social life. Intuition is heightened with career and related work. Moon trine Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) brings positive change and excitement, and the energy tends to break through past limitations on an emotional and professional level. Moon sextile Neptune (illusion, mysticism) increases dreaminess, intuition, and imagination. Moon conjunct Pluto (subconscious, transformation) may bring emotional upheaval and confrontations. (Refrain from expressing negative opinions for a few days and confront from a neutral place of being 3-5 days after the full moon.)

Mercury (communication, mind) is in Leo, a fire sign, which gives the gift of expression, particularly with art, writing, and performing. It also gives confidence and boldness.  Mercury square Mars (assertion, male) may cause rushed thinking, impulsiveness, and aggression. Mercury square Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) can upset plans and routines—and cause nervousness or tension.

Venus (love, partnerships) in Leo may stimulate happy memories of childhood, increase creativity, and encourage belief in the self. Venus sextile Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) brings growth, good fortune, peace and harmony.

Mars (assertion, male energy) in Gemini, an air sign, stimulates thought and gives energy, curiosity, and restlessness. It encourages us to entertain new ideas, new habits, and meet new people. Mars conjunct Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) exerts pressure to break out of limiting situations in life, but the aspect can cause impulsiveness. It’s important to consider new ideas carefully before acting on them. Mars sextile Neptune (mysticism, illusion) heightens intuition, creativity, and sensitivity. Mars trine Pluto (underworld, transformation) strengthens the will, giving confidence and courage.

Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) sits in Gemini gives a surge of restlessness, curiosity, and a shift in energy.  It gives a huge amount of data and repetitive information through the internet, news, and other forms of reporting. Many of the stories seem repetitive and contradictory, reflecting the aspect of the twins or Gemini, which is seeing everything through two angles—or through the lens of polarity. Jupiter square Saturn (limitation, karma) causes tension and anxiety about long-held patterns, which may seem exaggerated at this time. It’s about finding the strength and persistence to create change and releasing emotional, mental, and physical habits that limit life.

Saturn (karma, limitation) is in Pisces, seems to  address the errors and incorrect energies of the past (Piscean) age. We see an emphasis on the quality of the sea, floods and lack of rain, and fluctuating emotions, which are all ruled by water signs.

Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) remains in Taurus, speaking of earth changes, new earth that’s created through volcanos and plate movement, and the need to live in harmony with nature. Uranus sextile Neptune (mysticism, illusion) affects electricity, computers, and the New Age. (As I write, yesterday’s largest IT outage resulted in cancelled flights, slow computers, and the need for pen and paper.) It also marks the need to foresee problems with technology in the future. Uranus trine Pluto (subconscious, transformation) helps by bringing a time of positive self-transformation for those on the spiritual path.

Neptune (mysticism, illusion) in Pisces brings the sea of emotion that connects everyone in the astral field. It’s possible to feel love and hope on the group level—or fear and anger in the collective. Like the waves of the ocean, it may move our consciousness up or down. Neptune sextile Pluto (subconscious, transformation) invites us to explore life on a deeper level and find meaning within ourselves.

Pluto, the planet of transformation, is currently in Aquarius, which rules electronics, communications, and group endeavors. Pluto is retrograde, intensifying power struggles and subconscious issues.

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.




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