September’s New Moon

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Astrology, Energy, Manifestation, Manifesting, Soul Development, True Self | 0 comments

Image by Lucy Campbell


The New Moon appears on Monday, September 2 at 9:55 pm ET. As we move more deeply into a time of awakening, the New Moon brings aspects for evolution. It’s the also time of the void—a quiet period in the natural world when the stars shine brightly against the dark sky.

The planetary flow of the New Moon is as diverse as the energies of the world itself. Energy for individuality, healing, sudden change, impulse moods, communication, expansion, creativity, and spirituality is found within the chart. The Sabian symbol for Venus refers to the power of visualization, and the Sabian symbol for Mars encourages the type of originality that comes from the inner self. The message relates the importance of envisioning a life that leads to joy while acting from the unique perspective of the true self.

Sun (life) and Moon (emotion) are in Virgo, the sign of the Virgin, which originally meant a woman who was one within herself or “whole”. Virgo’s symbolism also includes the High Priestess who sits behind the veil that separates the spiritual and physical world. Virgos are practical, organized, and efficient. Natives of the earth sign are characterized by their analytical minds and precision. On the negative, it’s possible to overfocus on details and lose sight of the big picture. (Virgo also rules healing, hygiene, and the physical body.)

Sun (life) square Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) gives optimism and confidence. Opportunities may accompany this aspect, but it’s important to remember they are based on integrity and hard work. Extravagance is also associated with this aspect, and moderation is important. Moon square Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) gives positive feelings and an overall sensation of happiness. It may enhance creativity and ideas, but discipline is needed for full expression and overcoming laziness or procrastination.

Sun (life) and Moon (emotion) oppose Saturn (limitation, karma), which can heighten the feeling of limitation, lack of resources, or freedom, but the restrictions of Saturn may aid in the realization of the soul’s longing. By breaking through limitations, it’s possible to create fulfillment and alignment. Moon opposition Saturn can give feelings of vulnerability, sadness, or loneliness; however, it’s possible to overcome this through meditation or focus on positivity.

In this chart, challenges and opportunities appear with Sun/Moon opposition Saturn (limitation) and Jupiter (expansion) square Jupiter. Saturn helps in recognizing limitations in life, and Jupiter gives energy and opportunities to overcome our restrictions.  (Recognize the restrictions and reach beyond them for expansion.)

Mercury (communications, electronics) is DIRECT, aiding with timing, trips, communication, and smooth attunement of electronics. Mercury in Leo prefers expression of emotion, creativity, and heart-driven thoughts. (It’s not always logical.) Mercury sextile Mars (energy, assertion) quickens the mind and renews the desire for achievement, giving focus and motivation.  Mercury sextile Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) supports planning the future, self-expression, and visualization. Mercury square Uranus (quantum field, sudden change) brings sudden change, heightened intuition, excitement, and the desire for greater independence. It’s a powerful placement that affects electronics, communications, and the thought process.

Venus (love, relationships) in Libra is peaceful, balanced, and harmonious. It’s a quiet placement that benefits relationships, art, and socialization. Venus sits on Libra 6, “A Man Watches His Ideals Taking a Concrete Form Before His Inner Vision”, and the Sabian Symbol indicates the value of imagination and visualization in the outer world.   Venus square Mars (assertion, male) is associated with lack of control and impulsiveness.

Venus forms a Grand Trine, the most harmonious of all aspects with Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) and Pluto (subconscious, transformation). Venus gives the flexibility to discover new avenues of pursuing the soul (Uranus), and Pluto gives the power to transform/transmute our personal life into a higher form. Venus trine Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) gives the longing for change and new experiences—and may make the mundane seem boring. It increases artistic and creative ability. Venus opposes Neptune (illusion, mysticism), bringing a sense of gullibility and misplaced generosity. However, it favors art, music, dancing, and beauty. Venus trine Pluto (subconscious, transformation) heightens joy and passion. It intensifies emotions and feelings, and the aspect increases the desire for pursuit of personal quests and projects.

Mars (assertion, physical action, male) sits on Gemini 29, “The First Mockingbird of Spring”. Mockingbirds can mimic any other birds’ calls, but they have a special sound or call of their own. In the same sense, we share certain characteristics or abilities, but the expression of the qualities is succinct and powerful when coupled with individuality, the unique blueprint of a soul’s voice. Mars conjunct Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) gives energy, enthusiasm, and the desire to commit/complete tasks. It heightens physical strength and endurance, and the aspect aids with intellectual strength.  Mars square Neptune (illusion, mysticism) causes confusion, deceit, obstacles, and misunderstanding, particularly in accompaniment with new actions or plans.

Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) in Gemini increases communication, interest in electronics, and the tendency to take on several projects at one time. Jupiter square Saturn (limitation, karma) gives awareness of obstacles and limitations, but it can also inspire us to overcome them. Jupiter square Neptune (mysticism, illusion) brings both escapism and an opportunity for spiritual development. It can aid in testing and applying spiritual skills to move through the illusion of past dreams, laziness, and procrastination to create the heart’s true desires.

Saturn (limitation, karma) is retrograde in Pisces, the ruler of the past age. It’s possible that Saturn will reveal the excesses and mistakes of the past as well as giving the wisdom to correct/change them. It may also address lower emotional states such as victimhood, resentment, and blame.

Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) is retrograde in Taurus, which is a more stable position than Gemini. Uranus sextiles Neptune (mysticism, illusion) and trines Pluto (subconscious, transformation), which aids with the spiritual quest, finding the right teacher, and experiencing breakthroughs with new knowledge.

Neptune (mysticism, illusion) is retrograde in Pisces, a water sign. It rules group emotions such as lower and higher consciousness, connecting us on the astral level. Neptune sextile Pluto (subconscious, transformation) aids with awakening, awareness of new knowledge, and higher consciousness.

Pluto (subconscious, transformation) is retrograde in Capricorn, a position that it held in 2020 and 2021. Capricorn rules power—the type of power associated with billionaires, large companies, and the stock market.

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.




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