On the turn of the Full Moon, we sing our songs and turn our faces to the night sky. In the luminosity of the moon, the wolves, the coyotes, the whales, and dolphins mingle their voices in a song of creation. The song of creation stimulates the earth, who returns the vibrations with patterns of harmony. These patterns of harmony mingle among the plants, the trees, the animals, and humans—lifting consciousness to a higher point of being and calling for you to return to your state of creator.

A creator works with the rhythm of harmony and universal energies to bring about “good” through works, thoughts, emotions, and imagination. It is by eliminating negative patterns, thoughts, and words that we move into the goodness of the heart where all things unfurl in beauty like a delicate flower.

Should you want to become a creator, we say seek your heart. Find the beauty of your true presence, the flow of your internal rhythm, and let your intuition grow loud. Find time to listen to Nature as she will lead you on the quest of your soul. Discover who you came here to become. Find your destiny.

Open your heart to Nature and listen to the birds and animals who are your teachers. Pay attention to the direction of breeze and hear the wind as it moves through the trees. Release all the aspects of life that are not truly you and open yourself to find your gifts. Lie or sit on the Earth and heal through the currents of nature.

Work on listening to yourself and let the voice of the “others” fade away. Let go of valuing their opinions and find the answers of your true identity within yourself. Release the need to know and move into the great mystery, which is part of the beauty of life. By seeking earth and universal currents, you will move into these mysteries more easily. Consider for a moment that there is a song of creation on the planet. Consider that your vibrations channel the currents that come into you. Wherever there is lack, there is also a harmonious current. (It takes work to tune into the currents of harmony, but isn’t it better than how most of you live your lives?)

Steps to Manifestation

  • Find your power that comes from your inner self and your connection to the Universe. Nurture the connection by putting this first in your life. Ask for love and light. Ask for inner knowing.
  • Move into your heart. Your heart knows what you truly desire. It loves deeply and purely; it makes time for all that matters on a spiritual level. Ask your heart to tell you what to create. (Otherwise, nothing you create will be enough, and you will always want more because your creations are not fulfilling.)
  • Use visualization. See whatever you want to desire within your mind. Use your mind and let it stream like a living picture. Feel and see it happening with all your might.
  • Imagine living in the world that you created with your heart. Make it more than your current life.
  • Ask the Earth to help you, to fill in any spaces with her energy and to send signs often.
  • Ask that anything you create or work to create is for the greater good for All. Ask that it is in harmony and balance with your heart.
  • Wake up! Spend a day listening to yourself—which includes the odd dialog that humans have with themselves, the flow and meaning of your life, and feel the rhythm of how you should change it.


By staying in a place of connection, you vibrate above the chaos of lower consciousness. You learn about your inner being, and you stay in communication with the Universe.

You also step into a place where matter or physical life responds well to you. This is what we mean about power—a way of finding balance between the spiritual and physical world. In this place, you can create a world that is beautiful and harmonious for yourself, and many people working on the same task can do the same in the outer world.

We will visualize great success with this endeavor for you. We know many of you are changing, and we have great faith in the possibilities of positive changes in the world.

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.




  1. Michele Dubbs

    Julia, thank you for interpreting the wolf speak. The message is incredibly profound and actionable. I appreciate you, the wolves and the potential these words hold.

    • Julia Griffin

      Thank you so much, Michele. Wolves are strong, powerful, and loving. Their messages are meant to help everyone who is awakening. Thank you for understanding.


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