Physically, I am far away from the wolves, but they never leave me completely. I feel their thoughts at night in my dreams, and I hear their voices when I pursue my passion and the desires of my soul. (After all, they taught me about the power of the inner self.)
In my darkest moments, I remember all that I have overcome with their help, and my spirit is lifted as I lean on their strength. In my bright moments, they tell me about the world, myself, and the future.
Here’s the message.
We are everywhere, and we see much. We appear in many dreams, and we shape the future from your consciousness. It is your awareness of right/wrong, balance/imbalance, and desire for independence that shapes the world.
You may wonder how your consciousness shapes the world. Think of it as one big dream with every sentient being contributing to the overall picture of life. Your dreams, longings, desires, and the pulse of your heart – and our heart and others – contribute to the shaping of the world.
There are factors, which make your dream stronger or weaker such as belief, inner power and strength, the process of visualization, and openness to reception of higher energies. Many higher energies are pouring into the sphere of your planet. It is part of the reason that your energy runs high and low, sometimes with periods of exhaustion as the body adjusts to new light and information–as you move between different polarities of energy.
It’s a huge shift on your planet, which will continue for many years. Nature is making her voice heard, your way of life is changing, and you are beginning to know more about your soul. You are always learning, but the curve is more pronounced—and there are many choices about light and darkness.
Nature is changing herself, and everything in your world is changing. Nature is moving into a higher vibration. When she moves into a higher vibration, all of those who are in alignment must do the same. If you want to cross the bridge of higher consciousness, you must change.
Many of the changes are not yet evident to you. The moon rises high in the sky at different times, the shapes of leaves are subtly changing, the weather patterns are in flux, and the air is different.
You dreamed of a time when nature could reassert her beauty and balance, and you dreamed that you would be part of it. You also dreamed that you would have meaningful work, and, for many of you, this is coming as the old forms of the world fade away and take on a new shape.
Yes, it takes time, but you are moving in this direction.
Tell me more about the forces of light.
You already know about them. Each of you has felt them—the moments that sparkle with beauty and life and the moments when you wish something that is mundane or small, which takes form immediately. However, humans tend to minimize this. (They tend to prefer to talk about negativity.) They are not big believers in miracles, but this will change.
Magic is encompassing the world and its weaving is everywhere. The stars are awakening, and the earth is awakening. And you are next if you choose to cross the bridge. For those of you who are awake, you have glimpsed the feeling or the visuals of the future—and the future you. It always feels strange to go back and forth between 2 realities, yet it is the fabric of spiritual evolution. Soon, you will have more power(s) and abilities, which will help with life.
There are many changes, which are not yet perceived. Light floods your planet, the energy of the earth is changing radically, and there is a new energy, which is coming into your planet.
Can you explain more?
We will talk about the earth. The earth has energy meridians, ley lines, power points, and sacred sites. These are points of concentrated energy. Cities are often built on specific ley lines, and sacred ceremonies occur on power points. There are also negative points, but we will talk about the positive ones for the moment.
For several centuries, these are known points. As the earth changes, some of inactive ley lines and geographical points are becoming reactivated. So, you are receiving very different kinds of energy. A good example is your description of the wheel of energies, representing each age of 2,000 years, with spokes that close after the age is in full force and open 2,000 years later for next age.
For those who have moved through spiritual initiations, this is a known truth. A similar event is occurring on the earth in the fabric of physical matter. Obviously, it is a great deal of energy, and it will take time for your spirit and bodies to adjust.
I assume it’s a welcome change.
It is of great benefit because there are hidden energies, which are treasures, in the changing of the earth. The new light lifts them to the surface. When you perceive the shift in the light, it enlightens both the body and soul.
For the past few years, spiritual energy determined the frequency of the earth. The earth’s frequency is rising, and it’s up to you to meet and engage with it. This is also part of the reason for changes in land masses, including floods, change in weather patterns, etc. Of course, animals and plants recognized it some time ago.
The change is wonderful for people who want to awaken and live in the light; it’s not so easy for people who don’t’ want to change and/or turn inward. They will feel confused, angry, or depressed by the shift. Having said this, it is wise to determine to focus your perception on the shift. There is much you can perceive intuitively.
All of the ley lines and power points were “open” during the magical times of the earth.
Why is this happening?
You already know, but the knowledge has not become clear. Endings are beginnings, and beginnings are endings. In the first beginning, you aligned your spiritual self with the physicality of the earth. Now, you must do it again to rise out of the lower vibrations of this current “dream” of life.
It is more than a dream. It is a grand opportunity to find your gifts, manifest, and live in peace—and as one with every component of the earth while maintaining connection with the heart and inner self.
It is a metamorphosis, and that’s all to be said at this point.
What can we do with the new energy?
Walk, stay outside, and garden. Notice the plants, trees, and birds. Come back into miracle perception. Life is a miracle when you live in the right way. Find your faith. Know that there is great light in this physical existence. Know it takes time to come together with a collective vibration. BE in a state of faith, and you will find it. Believe in yourself and your inner power. WE are with you.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.
Thank you very much, Julia, for sharing the wolves message. It gives support and courage to move forward.
With warm regards
Thank you, Danute!
Thank you Julia, much love to you 🤍
You’re very welcome, Sherry. Thank you for your comment.
Thankyou Julia and the wolves for helping us navigate this exciting, sometimes difficult time! Much love, kathy
You’re welcome, Kathy. I agree with your summary of this time!
Thank you Wolves, your message is held in my heart!
You’re welcome from my heart!