This New Moon is called a “Black” Moon, marking the second New Moon in one month. The Black New Moon occurs on December 30 at 5:27 pm ET, marking a period of pause and stillness—and the end of 2024.Think of it as the space between an inhale and exhale—the moment of the universe standing still. Three days after the New Moon, we’ll feel the pull of the waxing or growing cycle.
During 2025, the planetary line-up will change dramatically. Between April and July 2025, Neptune (illusion/mysticism), Saturn (limitation, karma), Jupiter (expansion), and Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) will change signs. Think of it as a change of background and minor characters in a play. Our personal scripts may change or stay the same, but the colors of the backdrop and additional actors will make the energy flow in a different way. (Astrology shows the flow of energy, thoughts, and emotions, but the outcome or delivery of the play is within our heart and hands.)
The chart is balanced between the elements of fire, air, earth, and water, and it provides relatively few aspects–or geometric angles between the planets. (Many aspects have been the same throughout late November and December.) Throughout the forecast, I’m applying Lynda Hill’s Sabian Symbols, which interpret the degree of a planet into words/meanings for deeper understanding.
Sun (life) and Moon (emotion) are in Capricorn, an earth sign symbolized by the goat. Capricorn gives determination, a strong desire to rise in the material world, and great ambition. It’s in Capricorn that the fiery dreams of Sagittarius are brought into physical form. Sun (life) and Moon (emotion) sextile Saturn (limitation, karma). Sun sextile Saturn gives stamina and success. Moon sextile Saturn aids with emotions and thoughts through stability and persistence.
Mercury (thought, communication, electronics) is placed in Sagittarius, which gives a boost to optimistic and philosophical thought. The Sabian Symbol for Mercury on Sagittarius 19 is “Pelicans, disturbed by the garage of people, move their young to a new habitat. The symbol may refer to the need for distance from negativity—whether through the news, people, or places in general.
Mercury opposition Jupiter (expansion) expands big ideas and plans as well as a feeling of optimism. Mercury square Saturn (limitation, karma) asks for stepping beyond plans and dreams with practical, focused action. Mercury square Neptune (mysticism, illusion) brings a sense of confusion and difficulty with decisions.
Venus (relationships, art, love) in Aquarius seeks independence and freedom. The Sabian Symbol for Venus on Aquarius 27 is “An Ancient Pottery Bowl filled with violets”, symbolizing the importance of giving and receiving purity, grace, and beauty. Venus square Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) gives a need for personal independence and may cause conflicting feelings between the desire for a relationship and freedom—or new events. Emotional overreaction often accompanies this aspect.
Mars (assertion, male) is retrograde in Leo, a fire sign that rules the heart. It may refer to the need for expression of heart-felt truths or repressed emotion that eclipses speech or actions. Mars trine Neptune (illusion, mysticism) heightens spirituality and artistic abilities. Mars opposition Pluto (subconscious, transformation) may cause strong emotions and reactions, upsets, and aggression. On a personal level, it can create strong, ambitious desires, which are passionate but not well planned.
Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) is placed in Gemini, which rules communication, siblings, and short journeys. The Sabian Symbol for Jupiter on Gemini 19 is, “Two people at widely different points, are in conversation with each other by means of telepathy”. The meaning could refer to the type of telepathy that comes from the heart, connecting all kingdoms—or the need to realize the importance of communicating on an entirely different level. Jupiter squares Saturn (karma), indicating the need to release the past and to create a “new” present or place of being. Saturn (limitation, karma) is in Pisces, referencing the need to clear the karma or energy of the Past Age.
Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) in Taurus, an earth sign, signifies the importance of altering our relationship with the earth, which was once worshipped in indigenous societies. Uranus sextile Neptune (illusion, mysticism) and Uranus trine Pluto (subconscious, transformation) indicate an important time of discovering spiritual truth, investigating philosophical truth, and learning from a spiritual teacher.
Neptune (illusion, mysticism) in Pisces is direct. Placed on Pisces 28, the Sabian Symbol is “A Fertile Garden Under the Full Moon”, referring to awareness of having a life that meets our needs, recognizing the abundance in life, and appreciating our inner fulfillment. Neptune sextile Pluto (subconscious, transformation) gives a flow of energy to transform our lives through spiritual understanding.
Pluto (subconscious transformation) is in Aquarius, an air sign signifying the importance of communication, electronics, and space. Placed on Aquarius 2, the Sabian Symbol is “An Unexpected Thunderstorm”, which may refer to sudden flashes of intuition or genius and/or thoughts/emotions that appear out of nowhere. Both stamina and stability are necessary to weather the storms.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.