Everyone wants more abundance because it implies an infinite connection with the “good” aspects of the universe. For those who have ample abundance, there are dreams of love, better health, or a different way of life. Ultimately, it’s the same vision but slightly different.

Abundance is a frequency. It’s much like tapping into a radio station, a particular band of energy. As with the radio, you have to know the “number” or feeling of the frequency to locate it. You also have to search for it and tune into it. We identify the right frequency by listening to the “sound” for a moment or two.

  • Tapping into the right frequency for abundance involves positive thought, imagery, and identifying positive desires. (It’s more effective to desire happiness and relief than to focus on bills or lack.)  Feeling abundance means imagining prosperity, seeing ample income for bills, and creating a vision of life without financial worries. Focus on the goodness you want to experience.
  • Abundance comes in beautiful waves. Keep pulling in the waves. (All positive, material states require constant vigilance and practice because of duality. Everything ascends and descends. There are spaces between the waves.)
  • With manifestation, change often comes in “levels.” Your income or life style may improve, but you may feel the desire for increased expansion. Give gratitude and thanks for small changes while visualizing larger improvements.
  • Initially – as with all visualization – work is required. You literally impose a higher vibration (prosperity) onto a lower vibration (need and lack.) If you stay with the work, abundance will flow into your life. In time, the work becomes easier and requires less focus. (This is true of all spiritual work.)
  • Know you have the “power.” If you are spiritually connected, you definitely have the power. It may take time to learn how to use it or find the right visualization, but it’s doable. Believe in you and call on the universe often. (Stay open to change and seeing life differently.)
  • Begin to imagine yourself as already having abundance. Entertain images of yourself with greater abundance. Imagine how you would spend your hours as well as how abundance could lead to greater spirituality and freedom.
  • Use your prosperity to help others. Use the same visualization techniques to see affluence for others (without their knowledge.) When you spend correctly and lovingly, you encourage the flow of prosperity throughout the world. Choose to become the person who creates abundance for yourself and the world.

NOTE: I like to imagine an abundant state for the planet. Everyone has an abundance of prosperity, time, and love. People work to share their gifts and bring goodness into the world, and there is much time for visiting, gifting, and enjoying life. Please join me!

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.



  1. Lisa Tener

    What a lovely image of abundance for all. I’m in! 🙂

    • Julia Griffin

      Thanks so much, Lisa!

  2. Colleen

    Abundance for all !! It is my mantra for the month. Along with THANK YOU!

    • Julia Griffin

      You’re welcome, Colleen. It’s a wonderful mantra for all of us! Great idea.


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