Alchemy teaches that all its processes are contained in nature. Much of my methodology is based on this principle and derived from my experiences with animals and plants.

Holograms are an essential part of manifestation. They are multi-dimensional images accompanied by feelings and sensations; they reflect our impressions of “reality” and our internal belief system. Our lives are actually filled with holograms, both positive and negative. By learning to focus on what we truly want to create in our lives, we generate holograms that eventually manifest as the substance of our lives.

I became aware of holograms during the nine years that I lived with wolves. The wolves sent holograms or living pictures to express their feelings and desires. Initially, it was evident that the wolves could understand my thoughts and words easily, but not so with other people.

As I contemplated our communication, I came to realize that I sent very strong visual images that accompanied my words. The wolves were reading my holograms, not my words! Through the passage of time, they learned my language and would translate into words when necessary.

As my consciousness became keen in reception, I realized that holograms comprise a universal language that all of Nature speaks. Everything — plants, the earth, trees, birds, and animals — are awake. They are conscious, perceiving our every thought and feeling. If we have a feeling about a plant, animal or child, then we are actually receiving a vividly, detailed image with feelings and sensations (belonging to the sender). When I realized that Nature communicates through holograms, I became aware that every part of creation is ALIVE and responsive.

In the beginning, the wolves answered all my questions and thoughts with holograms. If I wondered where a visitor might have wandered on our property, I received an image of a bubbling spring or a snapshot image, like a photograph of dark pines, deep in the wood. These were the exact locations of the person in question.

If I wondered whether to trust a person, I might receive a positive or negative image of person from the wolves. These were usually facial expressions or some type of action. Their imagery was always correct. They sent only images until I became more adept at deciphering their language. As I learned the structure of their language, the holograms were accompanied by energy and sound.

Often when I gardened, I wished for rare plants or seeds. A very relaxing wave of energy would come toward me with the wind. I would see the seeds in my hand or the plants growing in a bed in the garden. Over time, I surrendered the question of how I would find or purchase the plants or seeds, and I would “see” the plants growing, with the relaxed wonderful feeling sent from the wolves.

In a few weeks, friends found the desired seeds and shared them with me, and other people, who I barely knew, left rare plants as presents on my doorstep. And they grew, not like ordinary plants, but with three times the width, breadth and height of normal plants. The garden grew beautifully into a rich, lush form by the summer’s end. Everything grew luxuriantly in my garden, including weeds, thorns and tree seedlings.

In Georgia, summer extends from early April to early October. The weather is wonderfully damp and hot, encouraging all that sprouts to grow. Every moment in the garden became a battle with weeds; they grew in my enriched soil overnight.

One evening, my wolf, Maya, was lying in the garden, looking at me with her green slanted eyes. “Tell them not to grow, see them not growing,” was her almost audible response. It occurred to me that the thick carpet of new weeds was part of my negative participation in the garden project. My irritation with the weeds caused them to grow more abundantly than my love contributed to lushness of the desirable herbs.

It was so simple. I only had to change the way that I visualized the growth of the plants in the garden. And it worked. Every morning, the wolves sent their energy on the winds. As I became familiar with it, my body opened to its warmth and relaxed feeling. I noticed that my thoughts ceased, and, as my energy center lowered, I became more sensitive to the plants. I noticed “feelings” about them, to experience deep intuitive flashes, relays of medicinal information about the herbs, their growing habits and their placement in the garden. (Ten years later, most of the plant information is common scientific knowledge.) The earth felt different to my fingers when I touched the herbs.

One day, after digging deep holes for transplanting, I lifted a very large plant and felt it tremble. I continued to walk toward its new home, and the plant spoke, saying “Put me down. I don’t want to go there.” From this moment, the waves of energy from plants, animals and people became audible images with feelings and physical sensations. Very simply and elegantly, the wolves taught me to hear and see all that nature knows.

Wolves also have a great sense of humor; they sent holograms of dog food and treats that affected me almost magnetically. I bought innumerable boxes until I realized that the wolves were teaching me that everyone and everything sends holograms. (They didn’t want the treats. They wanted my response.) We must choose which holograms are the objects of our focus. Reading the waves of energy that living beings emit was a skill that the wolves taught through time.

Through the repetitively positive images sent by the wolves, I learned that negative thoughts and feelings create most of our reality. The natural attunement to the earth’s harmonic frequencies was simply amplified by the wolves, and they intelligently shaped it as solutions to my problems. Because they were attuned to a more harmonic vibration — that of the earth and nature — they attuned my frequency to this higher state of being or vibration. Through their attunement to a higher state of Being, I became more energized and desired creativity in the form of a beautiful garden.

My first mental images reflected the tendency to create in a negative sense. I immediately focused on “not having” herbs and seeds. The wolves “sent” their powerful wave of energy to heighten my awareness of new possibilities or opportunities. Thus, I saw the herbs growing. They came. The feeling of growing and understanding herbs began to become a reality, as did the projected sensations of tending the earth and touching the plants.

As my garden expanded, I learned to apply conscious creation more thoroughly by visualizing only the herbs growing. This is the importance of revising one’s creation periodically. It is almost impossible to visualize and feel the details perfectly in the beginning of an endeavor. Through the experience of the law of expansion (growing everything), I learned to limit the growth of the weeds through the law of contraction. In time, this creates balance or alignment with the Middle Path (centering).

I followed my intuitive guidance by applying the medicinal knowledge that I received and by moving the plants in accordance to their guidance, which increased my ability to feel and sense on a deeper level. I listened to the wolves and worked diligently to apply their lessons.

The Universe opened wide to me as I began to hear all living creatures and to understand the application of the elements of alchemy that I had long studied. The words in the alchemical books were true — all of alchemy lies in nature’s processes. We evolve ourselves and the material (matter) of life around us through conscious creation.

Each of my efforts with conscious creation brought a deeper sense of being, and a heightened feeling of Oneness. The expression of the very beautiful life energy in the All was expressed similarly, yet individually, through the multi-faceted consciousness of the creatures and plants inhabiting the Earth.

The simple instructions of the wolves are easily applied through repetition and practice. We begin with the concept that everyone projects multi-dimensional images, coded with feeling and sensation, particularly when creating a focused action or experiencing an intense thought or feeling. If we think about telephoning a friend, we automatically generate a visual image of the friend. We may also think about the topic of the conversation, the components of our speech, the response of our friend, as well as the feeling of the conversation. By altering any of the components of a hologram, we affect the outcome of any experience.

About Holograms:

  • Everyone creates holograms. If I ask you to go into your kitchen and fill a glass with water, then you automatically generate an image of your kitchen, holding a glass and the feeling and sound of water. By perfecting your ability to create holograms, insight and self-observation will result.
  • Practice makes perfect. When you generate holograms consciously or just simply pay attention to the holograms that you already create, your environment and life will naturally become more fulfilling. You may realize how you create negativity in your life through this type of focus.
  • Holograms are amplified through discussion with others. Pay attention to what you discuss and with whom.
  • You receive and send holograms. When you think about a person or about a situation, you are sending holograms. Television and radio are excellent examples of broadcasting holograms. You choose to believe or not believe the information and review in it in your own mind. 4. Holograms accumulate, eventually composing a portion of “reality”.
  • If you are conscious of your holograms for several days, you will quickly understand that their impact accrues, impacting your experience of reality.


Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.


1 Comment

  1. Danute

    Dear Julia,
    thank you very much for sharing your experience and art of manifestation. It resonates with me and invites to create with nature. too.
    Loving blessings


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