Over the past months, the wolves often send images of waves with color, which contain knowledge of the future and past, and words of encouragement that come on the wind. Their voices seem so beautiful when I hear them in my heart…
Here a few of their comments about this current time.
Q. Please tell us about this time. What can you share?
Energetically, the planet is changing. There are moments when Nature shines and glows. The trees speak in gentle words that are carried by the wind, and energies come from the earth to aid with your growth.You may not feel this, yet. You may interpret it as times of feeling upset or aligning with the inner self, accompanied periods of exhaustion and high energy. Actually, this is how your body and spirit adjust to the new energies. It takes time for spiritual and physical to come into fruition. However, the energies are becoming increasingly available on your planet. It is the beginning of the release of higher patterns and frequencies, which will benefit you in the times to come.
We are with you in your dreams—and in the moment that you stretch your consciousness and use your intuition. We perceive it when you use higher consciousness to perceive and feel life differently or simply decide to go on with faith and love or belief in yourself. These are the moments when you are changing, tapping into the higher energies, and finding expression of your inner self. Often, these may feel like brief moments of resolution, the decision to move on with life in cheerful or optimist sense.
We perceive it when you use higher consciousness to perceive and feel life differently or simply decide to go on with faith and love or belief in yourself. These are the moments when you are changing, tapping into the higher energies, and finding expression of your inner self. Often, these may feel like brief moments of resolution, the decision to move on with life in cheerful or optimist sense. But they are truly times of inner alignment when you are listening and feeling who you truly are. (They are moments of strong decision when you align with the light and motion of nature.)
For those on lower vibrations, it is the beginning of the end of a world driven by the desire to gain without taking satisfaction or expressing gratitude—and not using gains to benefit the inner self and the all. When gain is made by the inner self, it is usually expressed as generosity, love, kindness, and fair boundaries.
For many, it will become a time of awakening and remembering many gifts, which have not been used for eons. Once, many of you were like Merlin or the old, famous ones, who could change the course of time and various other events. It is only the beginning of a magical world for you.
Q. Why does the energy feel unsettling and odd?
There are many layers of consciousness at this time, and they are swirling or moving to some degree. It can feel unsettling because you are in the midst of the ending of old world and the beginning of a shift into a new world. Many layers of reality are intermeshed. For example, when you spiritually go to a higher level, you oscillate between the old reality and the new reality for a period of time until you master the higher frequency of the new reality—the new you.
You may have a space of feeling aligned and seeing the beauty and joy of the world. Later, you may react to the news or the pull of mass consciousness. Mastering the lower vibration by moving into a higher one is a necessary task.
Also, the markers of your world are diminishing. The seasons are changing, the weather is changing, and your lives are slowly moving into a new frame of reference.
Q, What are “markers”?
We can refer to a marker as the cycle of the sun and moon as well as the accepted holidays, which are based on this ancient calendar. Your planet is moving into a slightly different position, which affects the energies received from the sun and moon. As a result, your readings of the universe are not precisely correct.
All of the matter on your planet is responding differently. Many species have reappeared, plants and trees are growing differently, and the vibration of your planet is changing.,
Also, your social institutions such as church, school, and government are not the same. Holidays may change as this time ensues. If you wonder about the value of this, it’s much easier for everyone to change and seize the higher vibration when everything does not run and proceed as it once did.
Q. Why can’t we feel more of the positive influences?
Many people are not connected with the earth, and there is a strong call from nature. When you attune with this energy, you activate other energies, which connect to the inner self. The moments of chaos in your “world” call for connection with the heart and a focus of consciousness on peace and love.
Understand you no longer need continual broadcasts and updates on what is supposedly happening in the outer world. You are asked to create a simpler life and to find answers within the inner self. These answers will help with adjustment and creation of a new world that is more in alignment with you.
Think of how the earth feels when thousands gather and indulge in lower emotions or throw trash on the earth. It is not positive or healing. Yet, people miss it. In truth, they miss the diversion, and lower diversions are ending although this will take time.
Sit and be still. Feel your inner gifts, your heart, and your abilities. Find a place of happiness within you. When many people do this, you create a wave of light, which can align you with a far better reality. It’s time tuning into new energies that bring transformation and healing.
Q. What is the best way to live and grow?
Take joy in open moments when the vibrations are high. Rest between tasks and go outdoors often so the body can absorb the new energies, which are more easily received from the earth. Walk and look at the sky.
You know you’re connected when you become more intuitive and suddenly “know” answers in your heart. There is no other path to wisdom. You also notice the beauty. New energy exudes from the earth, and it is here to help you in many ways. Instead of fighting against the new stillness, move into it. Slowing down in this way helps in realizing your right place of being and place in the world.
You can also learn to observe yourself and change your immediate future by learning to identify your negative beliefs that limit your lives. In place of fear, see answers. In place of lack, see monetary abundance, in place of loss of relationships, create loving relationships in your mind. Make the habit so strong that new images replace the old ones. Practice with this technique.
It’s how you move into a higher place in consciousness. For example, if you create a feeling of being loved by others, you are now a person who lives in a state of love, If you attract financial prosperity, you are now a person who does not worry about running out of money.
New thoughts and actions reshape your consciousness and your beliefs. Of course, this will change your behavior. If you attract love, you become aware of how you repel it and/or how you do or say the wrong thing. As a natural result, you correct the course of your life by becoming a new person who is closer to who you truly are.
Q. Where should we put our focus?
Welcome the shadows when they occur. They teach you where to seek change and create a higher vision. They give impetus for physical, emotional, and spiritual change. Knowing what you don’t want, the energies, which are dissonant, and the patterns, which are uncomfortable, give information on how and where to grow.
Work and learn the opposite sensations of pressures of life and the darkness of the self. If you can’t speak up, practice new words and feelings. If you can’t act, envision it. Create new ways of interacting with life until they become your new way of seeing and feeling all that is around you.
It is a way of cultivating higher energies and frequencies, which are the missing puzzle piece for you. It may seem contradictory to look at the shadows and darkness in your life, but, if you do this by believing you can change yourself and your life, it is very helpful.
See the good qualities in yourself and others. Take time to interact with the beauty of life, which is partially about placement of consciousness. Make a decision to feel and live more—even in partial isolation.
Stay flexible with your schedule. Alter it often to see what works best for you in the new world.
Make time for inner and outer work. Pay attention when you feel joy or freedom. Repeat the aspects and actions of life that deliver this. It’s how you move into higher consciousness and discover more of who truly are. (The energies are quite supportive of this.)

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.
Thank you and the wolves for this beautiful message!
You’re welcome. I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Lisa.
My gratitude to your purpose in life Julia. This message is exactly what I needed to hear today.
Uplifting and inspiring.
You’re welcome, Deborah. So glad you found my message inspiring!
Beautiful message from the wolves. Thank you so much!
You are so welcome, Marilyn. Glad it was meaningful for you.