A Missive from the Wolves

by | May 23, 2024 | Animal Communication, Awakening, Dreams, Manifestation, Manifesting, True Self | 2 comments


Each night when the sun is quiet and the stars roar, we sing with the dolphins, whales, and coyotes. You call these sounds “sonic”. We call them magic. Many animals and birds make sounds that lift the spirit, cause the world turn green in spring and summer, and alter the energy around you. All sounds have power, force, and impetus.

Our magical sounds sing to your soul and remind you of who you were when you first arrived here–when the world began. In the beginning, you dreamed of what you wanted, and it appeared. There was only abundance and wholeness. When you remember this state, it stirs in your cells. it awakens the spiritual message in your physical fabric (the body). If you listen, you can hear nature speak. You feel her caress, and you sleep with the sensation of her loveliness.

Perhaps, you wonder at the state of the world. It is the reflection of many thoughts and beliefs, and there is very little dreaming. Dreaming means aligning with the soul and seeing life as it could be in its highest form. For example, take an aspect of your life that you don’t like. Imagine that it is resolved–or better yet, it changed into a much better form. This is dreaming. It means giving up the repetition of problems and giving up resentment, anger, and fear while embracing the inner self, which is the substance of the soul.

Dreaming is how humans create their world–and the outer world. If people would realize this, the outer world will change dramatically. We will say that you already seem to understand the power of repetition with thoughts and emotions, but you mainly use it with negative thoughts and feelings. You rarely dream big or bother to ask the universe for a whole, new life. It takes bravery and courage to dream in a new way. We ask you to contemplate the path of true dreams.

Ask what your heart wants. When do you feel wild and free? When do you make time to dream with the stars or the trees? They know a great deal about your hidden dreams. (Nature knows everything for she feels your thoughts, dreams, and inner feelings–including your hidden secrets and pain.

You should know that you create from images, and many are not positive although you can change them by seeing the desired outcome. You often spend your days absorbing images or holograms from electronics  You repeat them in your emotional output, mental images, and propel yourself through life with thoughts and feelings, which are not your own. It would work better if you simply dreamed by allowing your mind to wander and linger when walking through a forest or performing everyday tasks. It works much more effectively if you spend 10 minutes in meditation visualizing positive outcomes.

Take time to visualize and feel the visualization. Practice focusing on a happy outcome–and know unhappy emotions indicate the wrong placement of the mind. Take the time to visualize and feel the visualization. Dream a new dream, live it in a new way, and don’t copy other people. Find the beauty of your own dream, which lives in your heart.

Currently, much of life–as you know it–is falling away. Everything runs on specialized rays or paths of energy. The lower energies are slowly disintegrating, and the higher ones are taking on new forms. On a higher level, reality changes more easily. It shapes itself to the vision and dreams of those on a higher frequency.

We do not know who will change or who will not. We do not know the outcome of the change in energies on this planet, but we have a dream. We ask you to change your focus from what is wrong with the world to the exquisite place where you, the universe, and nature dream together. In this place, you create harmony, balance, and hope.

You knew this in the beginning, and you found it easy. We pray you will find your way by remembering the path.

In the meanwhile, we hold your memories until you can step into them. We send up prayers with our nightly howls, particularly on the full moon when we sing the song of creation…

Directions for Dreaming

  • Creating with a dream involves more than visualization. A key word is engagement. You are engaged in “seeing” and “feeling” when you dream, and you intend it in the physical world.
  • Nature will always seep into the edges of your dream because she is the force of the underlying matter in everything. It is better if you recognize this and add the feeling of the sunlight flooding through the windows or the coolness of the stars in the sky at night. Many harmonies and songs underlie these images. Nature actually sings them (to you) when you engage correctly.
  • Think of things, which give connection and joy, before visualizing. Nature and Spirit respond to joy.
  • There are vibrations and frequencies, which can carry you through every task–if you learn to tap into them. Simply knowing of their existence is a starting point.
  • Accompanying the vibration with a visualization is very powerful. You will find your way with this if you practice often and desire this state of being.
Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.














  1. Belinda A Frank

    Love your writing. There is no link to send you a donation, I would love to give you a small token of my appreciation. Thank you for all you do for others

    • Julia Griffin

      You’re very welcome, Belinda. Thank you so much for commenting!


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