In my life, I spend time with wolves. I visit friends who raise or live with them, I see wolf hybrids when I walk on streets of Asheville where wolves are legal pets, and I see them at the vet with owners who are ignorant of their wolf percentage. A thrill of connection runs through us, and I hear their thoughts and feel their energy—a wild, deep feeling between our souls and hearts.
It is uplifting and spiritual; yet, their energy connects to the earth, the ancient, ever-changing mother of our physical lives—a place to learn how to alter the physical world through aligned thoughts and actions. On the highest level, it is accomplished by aligning consciousness with the earth and the sky (universe).
I feel the wolf spirit that runs through the planet and me. Sometimes, it’s simply energy. At other times, there are messages, and wolves appear in my dreams. When they share a message for light givers in particular, I hear a rumbling that translates into words.
Here’s the message.
The wolves have awareness of the shifting energy on the planet. It’s more than astrology, geology, or knowledge of the past and future, which they possess. It’s a rollicking movement of many energies tat one time.
The earth is changing by emitting many different frequencies such as high and low energies, changing its ley lines, and altering the poles. Even the trees and flowers are growing in a new way although few people notice.
Another way of seeing this is to notice how physical energy changes from day to day. People are sometimes tired and/or heavy. On other days, they feel uplifted and energetic. Sleep patterns also change with motions and energies of the earth, which give patterns of sleeplessness, light sleep, and a drowsiness that makes it difficult to stay awake and have enough rest.
On a spiritual or psychic level, the gifts of those, who are aligned, are heightening. For those who have done the work, their intuition grows sharper and often delivers images and words. At this point, people actually move into higher sphere of being when reading energy. So, they are moving in and out of zones of consciousness, which can feel tiring or uplifting. (People move in and out of higher dimensions, and wolves can be heard accurately in a higher dimension.)
There are many waves of cosmic energy that affect the planet. One waves if love, and it is uplifting, reminding humans of their ability to overcome all things. There are lower vibrations, which come from many sources, although it is possible to rise above them. Also, there is wave of lower humanity that is heavy with fear, and it can send consciousness to a lower level.
Karma is another issue. Many people are overcoming the karma of limiting beliefs and their vision of how life affects them—whether it is true or not. Others think the work of light is to carry others and embrace their problems. (Simply shine the light of happiness and connection whenever possible to truly lift up others.)
Another problem is the lack of love for the planet, and the perpetual visualization of the wipe-out of species, the destruction of the earth, and a helpless feeling that accompanies these thoughts. Use your power and see the earth as whole and beautiful. See things that don’t exist such as beauty, birds, and trees wherever they are not. (This is the use of superpower!)
We know that a challenge meets the people, who are growing—sometimes on a daily basis. But it is truly an opportunity to use inner power on all levels and at all times. Think of it as one of the last of series of tests on the subject of mastery.
We see who is aligned, making a true effort, and attempting to live in love and truth on a tumultuous planet. We also the ones who are not, and their time is limited. As the energy rises, the change will take place. The wolves send their energy to the courageous ones, who keep trying, visualizing, praying, and moving forward. The energies will soon support you. Have faith.
Q: For those of who are making the effort, the energy is sometimes overwhelming. What can we do?
A: Become completely present and ask for help. Ask for a higher vibration. Think about how it feels when you are calm and happy. Then, focus on your heart. (When you are completely present in your heart, the energy cannot move you.)
Q: How can we connect to the earth more fully?
Notice the changes, the new location of the sun/moon, the change in growth patterns of trees and flowers, and imagine a beautiful, ecologically whole planet. The earth feels these slight shifts in consciousness and responds by protecting and loving you in the same way that the universe hears prayers.
Q: What is the best way of working with the waves?
First of all, they do not affect everyone at one time as do planetary or astrological aspects. Other people in your home may not feel or react to them. Know they are temporary. Become present, listen to your body and act accordingly, and focus your consciousness on how it feels when you are strong and happy.
Q: How can we move through karma more quickly?
By realizing that your understanding of karma (for many) relates to thousands of years of conditioning and various religions and much of it is based on your beliefs about yourself, your life, and what you think will happen. Your “program” pulls in people, events, and circumstances that prove it to you.
(Yes, everyone creates actions that are out of alignment, but they change by a strongly correct action and/or a huge shift in attitude. Nothing is fixed forever in place on this planet; a huge shift in consciousness can wipe the slate clean.)
Harmony with this planet is attained through the heart, right thoughts, and powerful actions. All emotions can be useful if applied correctly—and if there is work to understand where they come from.
Q: Why does it take so long for good events and happiness to manifest when it seems negative thoughts can manifest quickly?
People do not truly believe in miracles. You don’t see them. People tend to talk about negativity and watch shows about negative drama. With your head so filled with these things, there is not space for the magnificent.
While many incorrect beliefs were proliferated by religious organizations, there was a very strong belief in the magic of miracles, blessings, and the appearance of good things.
When many people with light devote their consciousness to the creation of miracles, they will occur everywhere, but there many habits of limited thinking that wait for eradication. The new waves of love, the motion into new dimensions by those who awake, and deep understanding that positive manifestation comes through the inner self is part of the change.
Another part of this is the understanding of greater connection, people rarely wish good things for other people, and this delays their own manifestations. People are out of the habit of sending love as a wave, which uplifts everyone. And they have forgotten to listen to the Earth, have forgotten that nature herself makes the changes, which brings life and energy into physical form.
It is good to ask the Earth for protection, to ask her transmute emotions, and align your consciousness with your true life, the one you deserve. Ask her to help you in hearing your inner voice.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.
Thank you. Love the Q&A section.