Light is the answer to many problems and difficulties. When we choose light, we are uplifted by it.
- When we send light to a situation or worry, we no longer think about it. We must focus on light as well as the sensation of sending it. In general, light holds a higher frequency than a problem, so the sensation of the light lifts us into a higher place. (We also refrain from sending negativity to a negative situation, which expands it.) Over time, we learn the habit of switching the focus of the mind from a lower to a higher vibration
- Light is love. It leads to unity, connection, and oneness. It’s said we’re moving through the end of Kali Yuga, the darkest time on the Earth, and it will be followed by a great Golden Age. The Golden Age will likely appear when we learn to join together and create through a place of love and light.
- Choosing light means the preference of a higher frequency. It drives away lower thoughts and emotions; it nurtures compassion. It aligns us with others who feel the same light, and it mitigates karma—the repetition of negative thoughts and feelings.
- Particles of matter respond to light. It brings healing, growth, and insight. (Light is the fabric that underlies particles of matter; it is the invisible force, which inhabits every form of life.)
- Light is one of the highest frequencies on the planet. Higher frequencies are uplifting, invigorating, and healing. Light holds the opposite frequency of fear, pain, anger, and doubt.
- Light is the only thing that leads out of the dark wilderness of difficulties. Life may not change immediately, but our attitude alters. Through light, we find strength to overcome obstacles.
- Sending light to the self clears karma, stills the mind, and opens the heart to love, which allows true universal communion.
- Repeated meditation on light leads to truth about the self. It may not be the truth that we want to see, but it is freeing—and it takes us to new fields of opportunity and exploration. (Light finds solutions where there are none.)
- Light awakens our gifts, leading to the expression of our talents. It gives courage to step into our calling and power of expression.
- For those who truly want change, there is no alternative. Each time we step into the light, we illuminate the world with a higher vibration. (We continue to oscillate between light and darkness until we master our thoughts and feelings, The task is to learn how to return to light and love, the natural state of our inner being.)

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.