The bright Moon shines on the snow, illuminating both earth and sky. It’s cold, but the owls call—and faraway the coyotes howl.
The Full Moon comes on Monday, January 13 when energy is at its height. It’s a powerful moon with Sun trine Uranus (sudden change, quantum field), and Moon (emotion) sextile Uranus give exceptional intuitive ability and a greater capacity for positive change. Moon trine Neptune (illusion, mysticism) expands sensitivity, compassion, and creativity. Neptune is a feminine planet, which ruled the past age, and it can call forth devotion, answered prayers, and a calm that comes from the spiritual sphere. The aspects listed above open our consciousness to possibility, intuition, and spiritual mysteries.
Sun sits in Capricorn, a practical earth sign, and Moon is in Cancer, the sign of the crab, which rules the home. Capricorn rules the tenth house of ambition, politics, and world structure. (It’s not surprising that the inauguration takes place under this sign.) Moon in Cancer rules motherhood, the feminine, and the sea.
Sun opposes Mars (assertion, male), which increases assertiveness and competition. Sun sextiles Neptune (illusion, mysticism), increasing creativity and awareness of the mystical nature of life. Sun conjunct Pluto (subconscious, transformation) strengthens the will and aids with achieving desires—and personal transformation.
Moon (emotion) conjunct Mars (assertion, male) combines emotion and will to achieve change and desires—although it can also manifest as anger, confusion, or upset. Moon trine Saturn (karma, limitation) brings practicality and order into our lives. Moon opposition Pluto (subconscious, transformation) can bring about drama in relationships.
Mercury (communication) is in Capricorn, leaning in the direction of practicality, order, and realism. Mercury sextile Venus (feminine, love, beauty) combines thought and love in a practical way. It aids in creating deeper connections and experiencing pleasure through the flow of life.
Venus (love, feminine) is beautifully placed in Pisces where it is exalted. The placement brings romance, spiritual connection, and abundance. Venus squares Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) gives happy, optimistic feelings and a sense of wellbeing. Venus conjunct Saturn (limitation, karma) can increase sadness or seriousness.
Mars (male, assertion) in Cancer, a water sign, is sensitive and reactive in this placement. Mars retrograde can express resentment, sensitivity, or over-protectiveness. Sun (life) opposes Mars, which can cause anger and overreaction. Mars remains in opposition to Pluto (subconscious, transformation). This can work in two different ways – it can refer to violence and upset in the world, or it can refer to us on a personal level as we overcome places in life where we lack power, we may become immersed in power struggles, and/or we struggle to use our power courageously in our life. (This aspect doesn’t end until mid-April.) We’re also a bit low on energy because Mars is retrograde, which ends on February 22.
Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) in Gemini expands electronics, all types of communication, and news. Jupiter square Saturn (karma, the past) encourages stepping away from the influence of the past and building a new, more pleasing life.
Saturn (karma, limitation) in Pisces refers to the karma of the Past Age, including religion, victimhood, and politics.
Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) sextile Neptune (illusion, mysticism) and trine Pluto (subconscious, transformation) opens our consciousness to spiritual change. Neptune (illusion, mysticism) sextile Pluto (subconscious, transformation) encourages awareness of the Divine through teachers, study, and focus on higher consciousness.
Pluto (subconscious, transformation) in Aquarius may bring more excursions into space, greater communication through the web, and global awareness. Aquarius rules space, the desire to become an individual, and group endeavors.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.