Color Your World, Creating Change through Color Frequency

by | Feb 15, 2022 | Awakening, color, consciousness, frequency, Manifestation, Manifesting, True Self | 0 comments



Use Color to Change Your World**

The use of color can alter the flow of life. After all, it contains vibration and frequency. By changing our frequency, we can “dial” up new emotions and thoughts. It’s possible to literally change your frequency and the energy around you through the use of color. Essentially, life is composed of particles, vibrating at a certain frequency. When we alter our frequency by aligning with a color, the particles of reality also change and take a different course.

Experiment with these methods of changing your reality through color. The first application is practical, the second is for pets, and the third is for Bardon practitioners. Read about the colors, then read the tips on applying them for good results.

Practical Application

Light blue light brings a feeling of ease and peace—and works well with anxiety. It alters static, negative angry emotions. Use it to block other people’s anger and move into a state of neutrality by focusing only on this color. (The color is much like the spring sky on a beautiful day.)

Pink light gives the feeling and sensation of unconditional love. It’s particularly valuable when we exude the pink color from the heart space. Pink light can be sent to ourselves or others. (Other people must be receptive.) It increases the emotion and sensation of universal love.

Ruby red light carries the feeling of bliss and harmony. When focusing on ruby red light, feel the emotion associated with balance and harmony. By flowing into this feeling, we find the aspect of the self that aligns with balancing and tranquility.

Emerald green light aligns with the wavelength of growth, goodness, and increase. It is the emotion associated with material expansion, growth in the outer world, and the goodness of creating abundance when aligned with the universe. Send it to desires concerning projects, prosperity, and heart-based dreams.

Opal colored light is known to mitigate karma, move our consciousness (and body) through blocks, and help in understanding the reason for their existence. It’s helpful to use this color with a request for help from the universe or angels such as, “please delete and transform my blocks into a higher state”. (All humans have karma as part of our human existence. It’s wonderful to move through it.)

In general, it’s helpful to focus only the color, and a vase, cloth, or crystal can be used to help in memorizing the color on a conscious level. When it becomes easy to see the color in the mind, you can project it to particular issues, people, or problems for a change in consciousness.

For Pets

Light blue light calms anxiety in pets and helps them in feeling comfortable and alert.

Pink light radiates love from your heart to your pet. It opens the door to communication and aids with connection.

For Bardon Practitioners

The letters associated with each color is listed below. You will visualize the color and feel it in the area of the body that corresponds to its element.

A – Light blue light alters static, negative angry emotions. It brings a feeling of ease and peace—and works well with anxiety and frustration. Use it to block other people’s anger and bring about a state of neutrality by focusing only on this color. Think of the spring sky on a beautiful day. (Air – feel in the lung area)

Y – Pink light gives the feeling and sensation of unconditional love. It’s particularly valuable when we exude the pink color from the heart space. Pink light can be sent to ourselves or others. (Other people must be receptive.) It increases the emotion and sensation of universal love. (Akasha – feel it all around you and throughout the aura.)

N – Ruby red light carries the feeling of bliss and harmony. When focusing on ruby red light, feel the emotion associated with balance and harmony. By flowing into this feeling, we find the aspect of the self that aligns with tranquility and happiness. It also works well with the physical environment. (Water – feel in the area of the abdomen.)

G – Emerald green light aligns with the wavelength of growth, goodness, and increase. It is the emotion associated with material expansion, growth in the outer world, and the goodness of creating abundance when aligned with the universe. Send it to desires concerning projects, prosperity, and heart-based dreams. (Water – feel in the area of the abdomen.)

I – Opal colored light is known to mitigate karma, move our consciousness (and body) through blocks, and help in understanding the reason for their existence. It’s helpful to use this color with a request for help from the universe or angels such as, “please deleted and transform my blocks into a higher state”. *All humans have karma as part of physical existence. It’s wonderful to move through it. (Earth – feel in the area of the legs.)


**Tips and colors are based on Franz Bardon’s Key to the Kaballah.



Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.


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