Image by Alice Mason

One of the challenges of the current shift is oscillation, the periodic sensations of high and low. It occurs as the inner self develops, and we move through karma. (Karma can simply mean habits, repetitive patterns, or a negative response – as small as refusing to recognize or speak our personal truth.) Oscillation can cause strong emotions. Although we are steadily moving into a higher place, we continue to experience the old vibrations of the lower self.

We master oscillation over a period of time – not instantly. But we can observe, think about the inner self, and center for a few moments, which is the essence of mastery.

Here are a few tips:

1)      When life moves easily, it’s good to expand the energy outwardly into the present and the near future. It’s also helpful to “see” good things for others and project a better, happier world. (Scientific experiments prove “seeing” good for others brings healing and positive energy into our lives.)

2)      When the emotional/mental waves are low, it’s helpful to know they pass more quickly when we take time to tap into the spiritual self. We can replace lower thoughts with positive thoughts; we can substitute a positive emotion for a lower one. (We do this by meditating on peace, harmony, joy, or the feeling of a higher vibration.) We can send pink light (love) to the lower self, which feels the emotion.

3)      When we observe a thought or emotion, it becomes quieter. The inner self generates positive emotions and thoughts. It delivers peaceful answers. By putting our consciousness in this place, life changes.

4)      Many teachings speak of “low” and “high” points as storms and rainbows. We think storms are difficult, and rainbows signal a time of abundance. Both are illusions on the path on life. Beyond the illusion is the path of light. If we remain on the journey, we find (and become) the light.

5)       When we change how we see life, “reality” changes. It takes on the shape and form of our thoughts. If we know we are passing through a wave, it’s unlikely that all of our thoughts are true and real. Simply knowing this is very helpful!

6)      Within the universe, there are thousands of secrets. Study and meditation reveal some of the secrets. We also perceive some of the secrets of the inner self by mastering oscillation, the interplay between the lower and higher self. (In difficult moments, call on angels, teachers, and guides. Someone or something – a book, recorded meditation, or a quote – will always help.)

Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.


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