When the moon is closer to the earth as it is now, our voices are louder. Our sonic sounds travel through all realms of the earth and sea, carried by whales, coyotes, and dolphins. They intensify the beauty, the rhythms beneath the earth, and they carry those who are awake.
Our song is changing along with variations of the energy of the earth. As the energy changes, our song alters. We are dreaming and singing to awaken the earth, and we hope you are listening and changing, too.
The biggest changes for people lie in their awareness and ability to attune to the harmony of the inner self. If you find your inner self, the heart becomes profound in its consciousness; it touches the earth with love as well as those around you. It lifts the frequency of the planet into great possibilities. (It is far better to do this than to worry about the state of the world, particularly when you currently have the power to make small changes.)
From the heart space and inner work, we say go into your dreams and make them real. Your dreams are important, and they exist for a reason—which is moving you into your stellar destiny. You have a purpose. By following your dreams, you create a path to your purpose.
Creating a dream for yourself, for your loved ones, and the earth is much more important than you know. You go into your heart and feel the beauty of life, find your dreams, and see them clearly in full realization. Add color, shape, and movement. (Let your dream bless your life and the earth.)
Everyone has a slightly different dream, but in their fabric, they represent a weaving of energies of the universe and the earth. The universe gives light to your dreams, and the earth puts them into form. Putting dreams into form means communicating and sending love to the earth—and seeing it all as beautiful, fulfilling, and a source of happiness.
This is part of the work of every human being. It is part of the very reason you are here. It is a way of using the changing energies to experience your current life to grow and evolve.
Over the course of time, there have been many cultures in India, China, and Egypt for example who realized the meaning of manifestation and acted on it through buildings, spirituality, and inner knowledge. During these times, it was easy for awakened beings to manifest, to create dreams, and to understand the intertwining of knowledge related to spiritual concepts and the power of the earth.
Energy was useful. It was sought after, and the art of connection was manifest. In your time, there is garbled knowledge confused and mixed with public knowledge. The true knowledge can only be discerned with the heart, and it is there that you must travel with greater perception and awareness. It is important to see light, to feel light, and to understand how energy works in your world.
Everything that you do results in an energy exchange that causes you to lose energy, gain energy, or stay in a neutral place of observation. Awareness of these states leads to greater evolution. If an encounter or happening causes you to lose energy, then you should look at it to see what it is and why it happened. Essentially, it is an instruction on how your energy is working in the world, which you can change, alter, or recreate.
Whenever you are aligned with your inner self or your heart, you are gaining energy, and you create a state of growth. As your energy grows, you find joy and peace in life. As you rewrite your life within a meditation or visualization, and/or you do the same with your personal view of the world, life changes.
You become alive and vital. Life and the earth sing. It is this state of being that we wish for you when we sing at the moon.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.