The Full Moon/Partial Eclipse appears on Tuesday, September 17 at 10:34 pm ET. It’s called the Corn Moon, marking the time of harvest in the northern hemisphere. Native Americans believed the Corn Moon was a time of learning about the cycle of life. Each ear of Indian corn held thirteen rows of multi-colored seeds, which represented spirits who were waiting to incarnate on Earth.
It’s a super moon, meaning that the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, and there’s a partial lunar eclipse. Together, they intensify the energies on earth as well as influencing water and emotion. (The solar eclipse, which is more powerful, will take place on October 2 during the next New Moon.)
Sun (life) is in Virgo, the earth sign that prefers practicality and order; it also aids with healing the body. Sun opposes Neptune (illusion, mysticism), marking the midpoint of Neptune retrograde. It offers an opportunity for traveling deeply into the self, bypassing the outer world, and finding answers within the inner self. It is an important time for traveling within the self while pulling away from the chaos of the outer world—a demarcation within this time of awakening.
Moon (emotion) in Pisces, a water sign and the twelfth (last) sign in the astrological wheel, rules endings, and asks for release from the past, including memories and trauma—and any thoughts and energies that bring darkness or misunderstanding. Neptune rules the Moon, and its message concerns finding the answers in the heart, which may seem to defy reason or logical thought but require action to elicit growth.
Sun /Moon form positive aspects with Jupiter (expansion), which give the confidence and optimism to expand, succeed, and create larger manifestations. Sun/Moon combines positively with Uranus (sudden change, quantum field), which increases intuitive gifts and the desire for freedom. It also aids in hearing the inner voice and perceiving its influence.
Mercury (communication, electronics) sits in Virgo, a placement that enhances mental capacity and memory; it aids with communication and the ability to share ideas and concepts. Mercury square Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) gives optimism—and the possibility of laziness, and over-enthusiasm. (Try to make realistic plans.) Mercury opposition Saturn (limitation, karma) tests our faith and trust while pursuing our plans, but it rewards patience, perseverance, and daily discipline.
Venus (relationships, beauty, abundance) is lovely in Libra, bringing grace, harmony, beauty, and artistic ability—and benefiting relationships as well. Venus trine Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) brings harmony, optimism, and abundance. Venus interacts with Pluto (subconscious, transformation), which can cause very strong emotions, obsession, and the desire for power in relationships.
Mars (assertion, male) in Cancer, a water sign, is strongly protective and emotional. It brings the tendency to overact and misread emotion. The combination of emotional intensity and self-protection can lead to outbursts, which may relate to anger, hurt feelings, or confusion. (Pause and review thoughts and feelings. Mars/Saturn (limitation, karma) brings an opportunity to persevere our dreams and ambitions. Mars squares Neptune (illusion, mysticism), which can cloud the emotions and/or cause confusion when taking action.
Jupiter (expansion, good fortune) is in Gemini, an air sign, speeds the flow of communication and electronics throughout the world. Jupiter square Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) may indicate a sudden change in the direction of life, finances, or career. Jupiter square Neptune (mysticism, illusion) sends a caution about becoming too trusting or naïve.
Saturn (limitation, karma) is retrograde in Pisces, the sign of the last Age. Think of it as a karmic review of the Piscean Age. Pisces is also about dissolving and surrendering. It may concern dissolving prejudices, beliefs, and structures of the old world.
Outer Planets
Five planets, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are in retrograde. It may cause delays with plans and projects in the outer world. A feeling of gravity comes from the retrogrades.
Uranus (sudden change, quantum field) is retrograde in Taurus, an earth sign. Sun/Moon form excellent aspects with Uranus, deepening intuition and the relationship with the inner self—and the desire for individuation.
Neptune (mysticism, illusion) is in Scorpio. Sun, Moon, Mars, and Uranus aspect Neptune, which provides an opportunity for moving deeply into inner knowing—and discarding the illusions of the outer world. On an emotional level, illusion is said to cause fear, anxiety, and anger.
Pluto (underworld, transformation) is retrograde in Capricorn, an earth sign. Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune are in aspect with Pluto. It may help with clearing old patterns, finding new resources, or moving into personal power.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.