Light and love are always the answer. They hold the highest vibrations on the planet. If we call on the light, the universe answers. But it’s easier to access “light” by using specific techniques.

Light responds differently with specific situations and meditations. These brief exercises work well for a variety of a problems, including receiving greater enlightenment and understanding. When we see and feel life differently, it often alters into a higher vibration—and brings more positive outcome.

“Real” love feels unconditional, soft, and centered. It brings healing, answers, and gentle self-motivation. It helps in seeing the good in the self and others. It is like looking through a beautiful, rainbow lens with a heart, which feels uplifted and calm. All of the exercises will help in finding this place.

Here are a few tips.

  1. Come to center and find the inner self on a daily basis. Meditation helps in finding the true self. From this place, wisdom, self-love, and peace flow. The answer is in the center; it feels simple and true when you find it. (It’s easiest to call in the light by becoming still. It’s helpful to pull inward to feel the inner self.)
  2. Put your attention on happiness. Happiness—like all inner states—requires attention and contemplation.(It’s actually a habit.) Notice all of the things, which bring happiness in your life. Listen to your voice to see if it conveys happiness. Notice your feelings when you look at objects, read emails, or travel short distances. Make a conscious effort to expand and find happiness throughout the day.
  3. Peace acts like a river; it eases and soothes emotion. There are no thoughts when we align with peace, only stillness. Imagine experiencing peace before/after others attempt to pull us into drama. (As our energy level heightens, others try to pull you into their drama. By detaching from their drama and visualizing a happy outcome, we can return to place of peace.
  4. Know that life moves in a cyclical pattern, marked by highs and lows. The challenge lies in finding and observing the pattern, altering emotions, and making “center” or the true self more important than the feelings and situation.
  5. Conflicting thoughts comprise part of spiritual growth. It’s how we put ourselves together and resolve the many parts of the self. When the answer comes, it will be simple. It will resonate with the inner self. Until this time comes, notice the feelings. It’s okay to feel two, conflicting emotions and/or thoughts. Eventually, the higher thoughts will bring resolution and wholeness.
  6. Pull the mind away from upsetting thoughts and situations. Return to the heart. Practice meditation to return to center, then visualize a positive outcome in a place of stillness.
  7. Know the process is working, and the universe wants to help. While many of these tips and exercises are not logical, they follow spiritual law. Our visualizations thoughts, and emotions alter the course of life because they invoke—and the most powerful part of our inner being.



Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.


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