If you’re reading this, you’ve already decided to become connected and move into a more awakened state. As the light level of the planet increases, you’re pushed to expand, evolve, and grow. It can feel wonderful and/or exhausting, depending on your personal challenge.
Challenges appear when you grow. You may spiral through old problems, encounter shifts in consciousness, or feel more affected by the energy of others. You may see the duality in your life—the good and bad—the light and darkness. It’s important to remember you’re on a journey. When you journey, there are discoveries. You see new aspects of life, and you (hopefully) find about more about yourself.
Here are a few thoughts.
- Open the day with meditation and a walk. Meditation opens the soul to the beauty of the universe, and nature aligns the body with a subtle current. When you’re connected, it’s easier to find the answers.
- Visualizing aligns your life with your heart. “Seeing” is an energetic gift, which is developed through meditation and practice. Everyone creates their life through imagery; they simply are unaware of it. “Seeing” through the heart means following your desires and creating them in reality. It’s an incredible gift because you learn to change your life—and the life of others around you. (See the desire in completion. It is happening now!)
- Ask for what you want. Ask for greater spiritual vision, ask for help with development of your gifts, and ask for understanding. The universe responds to requests. (Be sure to use steps 1 and 2 along with asking for answers.
- You may feel life more intensely. Heightened emotions, feelings, and intuition are part of awakening. They also make life appear more beautiful. You have additional sensations to hear the tones of the birds’ songs, to perceive the bright dots of autumn color, and feel more of your inner self. As you understand more about your feelings and intuition—and what they mean—you’ll feel more comfortable. (In the meanwhile, accept and observe. Only the inner self can observe.)
- Push through the resistance of the comfort zone. Spirituality is wonderful, but it also requires taking steps. Usually, you have to change your body, learn how to express your gifts, speak differently (speak those inner thoughts), and make changes in your career. Take the step and stop waiting. Your life will change, and you’ll feel better. (These types of changes allow the universe to flow through you. Resistance blocks the flow.)
- Learn how to speak in a different way. When you say how you truly feel, life changes. (It’s not about venting or complaining.) It’s a way of expressing your inner self without making others wrong. You’re speaking your truth. Eventually, the universe speaks through you as well.
- Spend more time listening to your body. Thoughts and emotions often clear more quickly when listening to the body. The body has its own inner wisdom. Sending love and light to body improves health and physical habits.
- When experiencing strong emotion, ask for its source. Emotions are often initiated by other people, mass consciousness, or habits. For example, everyone has a pattern of repetitive thoughts and feelings, which accompany specific triggers such as feeling hurt, overwhelmed, or angry. It’s okay to experience the lower emotions, but notice how they are often a response to stimuli. You can think different thoughts or invoke more positive emotions by returning to center.
- Trust the process. With this shift, the energy can feel quite different on a daily basis. Trust that the universe is with you. Within your core—your inner self—you have the answers. (Study, take a class, and/or learn techniques. You travel through the process much more quickly with a teacher.)

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.