In this brief message, the wolves speak of the new world. I can only say that I learned the art of intuitive communication from them by following similar tips and words. Their words were true, and they never led me astray.

Our name comes from the root word, Lux—or Light. We are spreading throughout the world. We had no desire to become extinct or flourish; it is simply the state of the universe. As speakers of light and bringers of dreams, we have much to say.

The new world is here already, woven between layers of the old world and the substance you refer to as reality. It is like 3 landscapes interlaced. It comes in swirls like morning fog or gentle rain, which disappears in a few minutes. By afternoon, you barely recall the fog or rain. The realities mingle and overlap like threads in a tapestry. You travel between the ordinary and the new world where life follows the flow of your thoughts. It may occur for a few seconds, minutes, or hours, but there is a subtle difference in feeling—a depth of perception.

You walk between worlds as you travel through your day. In moments of awareness, you perceive the motion into the new world where intuition/thoughts/emotions grow stronger, and the world briefly grows more beautiful and subtle—responding to your wishes and energy.

You will know when you are there for life will look slightly different. Maybe, you will perceive the big changes in the world. Perhaps, you will simply perceive beauty and sensation on an intense level.There is no real time in this dimension/space. Everything responds to thoughts and emotions when creatures and humans open to this space. Time alters and lengthens, the hours of the day change, and the sun and moon move on a new course.

This reality is not available to everyone—only those who listen and act on the heart. It is not enough to see light or study metaphysics or act intuitively; the key to the next world is something completely different. It is for those who are ready to leave behind the heaviness of this world and wander into possibility.

A great dream, an adventure, is awaiting you. The dream is new; it is lovely. Everything changes including the geography of the earth, the motion of the continents, and the flow of your mind. Who will go there? Those who truly know light and the rhythm of their soul. It is not available otherwise. It is only through the rhythm of joy and loneliness that you can possibly hear your soul.

We share our thoughts because we want to help:

  • You will have more energy if you draw it from the earth and stars. Ask the earth to nourish your body. Sit with the grass and trees. Notice the shapes. (All of the shapes of nature sustain you.) See yourself as sustained and nourished by nature each day.
  • Imagine that much of history and science is not true. At a higher frequency, the laws change.
  • Learn to pull back your energy from the world. (When you think a strong thought, you immediately feel everyone else who shares the thought. This explains much of world emotion.) Release negative, needy people. They are not needed in your life.
  • Use your power as a creator. Notice the good. Rewrite the negative into a positive form.
  • Focus on your dream of life with all of your heart. Imagine life as lighter, happier, and more fun. (We dream often, and we are dreaming you into our world.)
  • Notice when life feels lighter, brighter, or different. During these times, you touch the new reality. It is very useful to send light, see life differently, or observe beauty.
  • Find the position of the sun and moon. Watch their motion. Observe the changes in light and darkness in the physical world.
  • You learn to transform, create, and manifest by desiring this state more than anything. It is the natural order of creating change through the lens of the soul and the voice of the heart. It is why you are here. It is as simple as knowing that you have the power and deciding to use it.
  • You were born as creators, to create anything that brings balance, harmony, and joy. Use your gifts.
  • Julia Griffin, Intuitive Healer and Coach

    Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.





  1. Belinda A Frank

    Powerful message from the Wolves. Thank you

    • Julia Griffin

      You’re welcome, Belinda. Thank you so much for commenting.


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