We live in the mountains, the forest, and hidden places where it is pristine and forgotten by man–where trees dance, and the original songs of the world can be heard. Tonight, as the moon grows full, we share some of those songs with you.

Once, you were perfect. Your thoughts and emotions aligned with the Divine. All that you saw or felt in your mind appeared in a harmonious way in your physical reality. (That’s part of the purpose of the earth. It is place for manifesting ideas, dreams, and desires, so you can delight in the beauty and create even more.)

A wild beauty appears on earth on the nights of the full and new moons. The secret rhythms of the world are released for a few moments and are carried by the whales, dolphins, coyotes, and wolves through sonar, which includes sounds too high and low for you to hear. Nevertheless, they play throughout the planet and can be felt.

The earth loved the beauty of your creations, and the sea sang songs to you. Everything rejoiced in the beauty of what you created. Over time, you moved out of harmony, and now it is time to return and create again.

The beautiful dreams of life from the beginning are still within you. Begin by finding the desires put in your heart by the universe. Know they are powerful and special—and part of your way of finding the path to divine. By following your desires, you move through limitations and open your heart to greater expectations.

You will know when your dream is real because you will feel its light in your soul. A flowing sense of happiness will move through you—along with the possibility of its realization. A true dream comes from your soul, and you explore your soul through the process of manifestation. It is how you learn to align yourself with the laws of nature and the universe. Yes, it involves repetition because everything in Nature tends to repeat. (Think of the blooms of flowers, the seasons, and the appearance of the moon. It appears, changes, and reappears. This is one of the important cycles of earth.)

Many of you will say you have had a dream, and it didn’t come into fruition. Perhaps, you did not stay with your dream or find the meditative magic, which accompanies the work. Wolves often sit in circles and focus on their dreams for hours—even days or months. At this point on your timeline, it takes fierce concentration and desire to change the fabric of life into another form.

Most people do not long for a dream deeply enough to create it, so they live with a sense of dissatisfaction—a lack of fulfillment. For those who follow the process, they receive light, gifts, and the practice of overcoming limitations. (There are many limitations on your planet along with lower vibrations, which can require a great effort to overcome. But we ask, what are you doing with your life and your time? Do you not have time to entertain the dreams and beauty of your soul?)

Keep in mind that everything on your planet vibrates at a specific rate. When your mind, emotions, and body vibrate at a higher rate, matter itself aligns with your vibration. And all dreams and desires vibrate at a higher frequency than your experience of the current reality.

The attainment of higher vibrations is part of the shift on earth. Many of you will learn how to manifest—not simply have or want or accumulate—but create from your soul. As you grasp the power and techniques of this potential, the entire frequency of the planet will increase. (It is part of the change that many of you came here to create.)

Here are some aspects of manifestation that may help you.

  • When you are dissatisfied with an aspect of life, take the opportunity to see it differently. It may not work out as you planned, but something different will happen. Don’t hide emotions. Express them and create your life in a different way.
  • It’s okay when your manifestation works out differently from your plan. The twists and turns teach about the universe’s preferences. From this, you learn about the universe’s desires for you.
  • Ask often if you desire for the highest and best good of all. Will the vibration of your new knowledge and life help others as well as yourself? As you pursue your dream, what changes are needed within you? Are you learning to love life and yourself more?
  • Big dreams and changes require work. Are you willing to give time and energy to them? Are you willing to meditate on them with all of your heart?
  • Nature plays a large part in manifestation. When you meditate outdoors, nature corrects and replicates your vision. Every part of nature helps in creating it in the physical world.



  1. Belinda Frank

    It’s all about love. Thank you Julia, thank you Wolves


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