Everyone is already manifesting. The first step is realizing how your thoughts, emotions, and visual imagery affect your life. Meditation alters the flow of visualization as well as the direction of your thoughts and emotions. It softens the negative emotions and opens the heart to love. Conscious visualization activates the energy needed to create a desire.
- You become more powerful when you consistently meditate and actively visualize. Your meditation and visualization practices actually direct the particles of energy around you into form. (When we don’t consciously direct energy, it takes the form of your lower thoughts.) Your thoughts and emotions take form more quickly when you meditate. You also accumulate or store energy, which makes it easier to navigate through life.
- Your desires come from a higher source. This higher source (God or the universe) wants you to have prosperity, abundance, love, vitality, and a greater spiritual connection. Creating the positive in your life is part of stepping into your true identity. If you are consistently meditating, you learn how love is the magical substance, which transforms life.
- Creating what you want or desire often means “seeing” the opposite of your experience. For example, if you are unhappy in a particular area of life, you must see and visualize the exact opposite. If you experience financial loss, you see financial opportunities and gain. If you are broken-hearted, visualize love coming from all directions in life. (It’s not enough to simply see it. You must feel and embrace it. You make the subjective experience more real than “life.”)
- You’ll know when your visualization is correct because your life will move into the flow, rearranging itself with unexpected, happy outcomes.
- Light vibrates at a higher level than “real” life. The rules are different in the quantum field. Lost objects reappear in strange places. Money manifests. You can grow younger, and opportunities appear from nowhere. The point is not asking how. Trust in the light and universal power. (You don’t need to know how. Stay with the practice and act on prompts from the inner self.)
- If you share your desire with others, you are less likely to manifest the desire. It’s best to keep quiet. You can always ask other people about their life. If something brings spiritual and physical success, it’s best not to discuss it. Spend your time helping others by seeing good things for them.
- When you want to give up, you’re probably close to manifesting your desire. It takes a tremendous effort to manifest the last 5-10% of a desire. People often see success in the early phases, and they feel encouraged in the middle phase. They wonder if it will come into fruition in the last phase. It’s very important to persevere through the last phase. It’s the most difficult step. It requires a great deal of energy, but it is always worth it. And you learn it’s possible to endure through this phase, which typically seems to last forever!
After your desire manifests, you will feel happy and relieved. There is a temptation to put aside the spiritual work and revel in the results. (Don’t give in.) Actually, it is an important time to renew your spiritual practice because manifestation is ultimately about drawing closer to the universe and its secrets. It is the realization that happiness, which comes from the inner self, is greater than any material achievement.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.