As the moon grows full, our messages are carried by the wind and the stars in the night sky. The sea responds to pull of the moon, plants increase in size, and human consciousness expands from the increase in light.
Many forces are at play on the planet at this time, but the earth is alive with a physical force, helping everyone who attunes to her. Each day, a beautiful song of life is sung by the stars, moon, and sun, and this contradicts the sounds of news and the lower consciousness of man.
We ask you to become more aware of the sounds and songs of creatures, the sea, the wind, and the earth for comfort and strength are found here. These forces keep the world intact, and they reflect your happiest dreams and desires.
It is an odd but interesting time as your power and gifts are becoming attuned to the energy of a higher frequency. In a way, your gifts and inner knowing are being activated, and you may have the sense of brighter future, feelings of hopefulness, or a deeper spiritual connection. All of these gifts relate to manifesting the dreams and hopes that are found in your heart.
Think of the heart as a container of love that responds to the universe and the inner self. When you dream of a greater, brighter future, the heart knows it. It also holds the secret of your gifts and destiny.
You may ask how to decipher these messages. One of the best ways to notice the happiness in your life, but it also helps to dream of the best and brightest future imaginable. If all of your dreams came true, how would it look and feel?
When you have a sense of how it might look and feel, visualize it with bright, peaceful energy. See it as a dream in which you live—a dream you came here to create—while roaming the earth on adventures and watching your dream come into form.
When many of you know how to dream and create, which is a form of awakening, the earth herself will change. This will be a time of joy for harmony and balance will come into being. (Some people will ask how so much change in a short period of time, but many people, living in balanced way, can bring about a great deal of change. Try it.)
When we speak of new abilities, we ask you to consider life from a different point of view. Notice your feelings about life, the flow of time, and your intuitions. Giving attention to correct intuitions teaches you to use this part of your brain, your body, and your consciousness. (It is about direction and attention, and, yes, you have many distractions in your current lifestyle.)
You can also imagine that your intuitions are growing and expanding. Your imagination is part of developing psychic/spiritual gifts as well as creating your desires. When imagination is sharp and intense, it feels real to you and the world. This feeling of “real” is part of the reason that it takes shape.
Your abilities develop when you think about them. They also develop when you attempt to use them. Continual use of talents leads to power. True power comes from right use of intuitive and spiritual gifts.
Many of you came to this planet to master the balance of spiritual and physical gifts—and to learn to dream, hope, imagine, and act in a way that makes your dreams manifest. There are many forces of positive energy, which can help at this particular time.
Open your heart, open your spirit, and believe in the possibility of creating a beautiful life. Add love, hope, and faith to the mix and continue to focus on the best possible life.

Julia Griffin, intuitive healer and owner of One True Self, began her work fifteen years ago under the tutelage of real wolves. Following their direction, Julia sees and reads energy, including animals, plants and people. She works with people in session to find their resonance with the soul, clearing patterns and alignment with their inner path. If you would like to seek additional spiritual change and insight into your life, please contact me for information about an intuitive session.
Thank you so much for your wisdom, that of the wolves and the stars, moon and planets. “It’s a great time to be alive, hold on tight and enjoy the ride.”
Thanks for your help in this time of magic!