by Julia Griffin | Dec 12, 2023 | Astrology, Awakening, Awareness, Manifestation, Manifesting, stillness, True Self, Uncategorized, Visualization
Art by Lucy Campbell At the moment, the skies remain gray, but the forecast offers space for breakthroughs with healing and inner understanding. As the last quarter moon disappears, it extends a time for creating change through self-reflection and sharing with others....
by Julia Griffin | Nov 28, 2023 | Astrology, Awakening, Change, full moon, Manifestation, Manifesting, Planets, True Self
The Full Moon appeared on Monday, November 27 with many beneficial aspects—and a few challenges. It’s the Beaver Moon, which occurs when beavers retire to their dens in anticipation of the winter months. Animals were trapped during this time for their fur,...
by Julia Griffin | Nov 28, 2023 | Animal Communication, Awakening, Change, love, Manifestation, Manifesting, True Self
We call from many places, and our song strikes the earth. With whales, coyotes, and dolphins, our song carries the note of creation, renewal, and love—love for you and love for the earth. We remind you that once we walked at your side and watched as you created...
by Julia Griffin | Oct 27, 2023 | Astrology, Change, consciousness, full moon, Manifestation, Manifesting, Soul Development, True Self
Celtic Calendar Wheel by Jen Delyth A full moon and lunar eclipse appear on Saturday, October 28. The full moon heightens all energies, particularly emotion, the sea, and fruition and germination of our hopes, dreams, and yearnings. It’s an intense lunation with...
by Julia Griffin | Oct 27, 2023 | Animal Communication, Awareness, Change, co-creation, full moon, love, Manifestation, Manifesting, True Self
For eons, we have traveled with you as the earth passed through multiple cycles and magic waned and flourished. In magical times, people recall their power and use it. They pull on the memories of the earth and past lifetimes, which are numerous. In waning...
by Julia Griffin | Oct 13, 2023 | Awakening, Awareness, Change, co-creation, Energy, Manifestation, Manifesting, Soul Development, True Self
Image by Alice Mason If you’re awakening, meditating, or opening your heart, you are feeling the shift. It’s normal to have oscillating feelings, which move from low to high. You may also experience changes in life as the universe is rearranging human and...